What's New at Past & Present? Our Website!

Past & Present Home Gallery is pleased to point you to our fresh new website. At our same online address -- www.pastandpresenthomegallery.com -- you'll find us whether searching from a desktop or a smartphone.

As you explore the site, we hope you'll take time to watch the short videos or fast-paced slideshows on almost every page.  We thought "What's New" is the prefect title for our blog.  You'll want to follow and share our posts as we will frequently add new items -- antiques, collectibles, vintage items -- and news about events and changes coming to Past & Present Home Gallery.   So we hope you'll come back, again and again, as things are always changing, and there's always something "new" at Past & Present!  

We thank Steve and Jackie Henning, Advance Digital, for their help in designing the new website, producing the videos, and taking photographs that are used throughout.