Antiques, Collectibles, Jukebox, Trash Can, Seeburg
Justice P. Seeburg founded The J.P. Seeburg Piano Company in 1907. His company was one of the first to make coin-operated phonographs, orchestrions, jukeboxes, and vending machines. Seeburg was on of the top coin-operated phonograph companies, along with AMI, Wurlitzer, and Rock-Ola.

Between 1946-1948, Seeburg manufactured the Symphonola 146, 147 and 148. These jukeboxes were also called a “trash can jukebox”. These jukeboxes played 78 rpm records, which were standard for jukeboxes until 1949. In 1950, Seeburg launched the first commercial jukebox that played the newest technology at that time, the 45 rpm records. Seeburg jukeboxes were extremely popular at this time in our history. The Seeburg company was around until 1982, when it went out of business and was sold to Stern Electronics.