Past & Present Home Gallery

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Ever Changing, Always Unique

Have you stopped at Past and Present Home Gallery lately?  Even with three levels and over 13,000 square feet of display space, chances are that if you were here a month ago, you would see something different today. 

The changing season is the perfect time to shop for some new-to-you home décor.  We sell items large and small, and often rotate the furniture and products on display so a different item may catch your eye each time you visit.  As one of our regulars recently said, “Every time I come in here, it looks completely different!” 

Blink Twice and it Might Be Gone!

Sometimes inventory moves in and out very quickly, like this wonderfully unique dining set. 

Did you get a chance to see it?  After it came in, we barely had a chance to stage the display and it was sold and out the door to become a great conversation starter in its new home! While we cannot always confirm the provenance of a piece, like this table and chair set, they often come with fascinating anecdotes to share.

Y’all come back now, you hear?

Come by often to take a look around.  Bring your friends!  There is much to see.  The Man Cave is a place set aside where you can hunt for items that you will want in the man cave in your home.  The Diva Den is filled with new and repurposed items especially intended for the ladies who shop here.  It’s fun!  It’s fashionable and you don’t want to miss out on the newest items that come in.

As the weather gets cooler, our warm atmosphere and friendly, knowledgeable staff make visiting Past and Present Home Gallery a great day-trip adventure! There are antiques, collectibles, retro and vintage items with rich character including beautiful home furnishings.

 Don’t hesitate to ask about pieces in the store.  Some come with really interesting stories!

We look forward to seeing you soon at Past and Present Home Gallery, the antique store with character… and an ever changing inventory with many stories to tell.